Volunteers are needed for the fall leaf clean-up project


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The Somerset County Office of Volunteer Services is seeking help for this year’s event on Saturday, Nov. 23.

Each year, on the weekend before Thanksgiving, volunteers rake leaves for elderly and disabled homeowners around the county who have no other means to do yard work. The one-day event provides a great opportunity for families and friends to create teams and partner with local organizations, clubs, sports teams, church groups, and other civic groups to serve their own community.

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How To Get Involved

Each volunteer must register as a team of at least four adults or the youth strength equivalent.

A group can also be created to form a temporary team, even if they are not a formal club or organization. Any group containing youth must include at least one adult.

The registration deadline is Oct. 2.

Elderly or disabled Somerset County residents who needs this service can call the Office of Volunteer Services after Oct. 2. to register.

Volunteers must provide their own tools for this event.

  • Rakes and tarps are required.
  • Leaf blowers are helpful.

For more information, email the Somerset County Office of Volunteer Services at VolunteerSvs@co.somerset.nj.us or call (908) 704-6301.

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