‘Life will be life,’ Bordentown Regional High celebrates Class of 2024


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Members of Bordentown Regional High School’s Class of 2024 are ready for their future after their commencement on June 18.

The sun was beaming inside the high school’s athletic stadium as the seniors – boys in yellow caps and gowns and girls in white caps and gowns – proceeded to their spots in the bleachers.

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Class Salutatorian Hunter Zhang described the time during the COVID-19 pandemic as a bowl of bland white rice.

“It was a tasteless period of time where we waited and waited to finally restore flavor to our high school life,” he said.

Returning to high school brought its own set of problems, Zhang recalled.

“We had to turn away from our dormant state and slowly adjust back to normal,” he said. “During that time classes were more difficult than imagined and teachers were more strict than we had expected. But even with all the unexpected turns, we were able to thrive in our new environment and add the lacking seasoning to school.”

From online to offline, the class overcame the change “to joining Google meetings in pajamas to actually going to school in pajamas” and change “from airplane-like static in our mics to flea market-like haggling with our teachers.”

“In short we have finally grown accustomed to our surroundings and thrived. This is a massive achievement and we should all be proud that we have overcome this turbulent path.”

As they move on, Zhang said they will need to adapt once more.

“In the past we were able to rely on friends and family to endure the pressure of burdens and expectations,” he said. “But this time at least one of those doors of comfort will be taken away.

“It is time for us to begin to rely on ourselves.”

Amid the challenges and chaotic buzz of the world, Zhang said he hopes his classmates can stand firm and find their ground.

“We are not a bowl of white rice … we are instead distinct, each with our own ideas and personalities,” he said.

Valedictorian Ajay Donthula shared that the simple phrase, “Life will be life,” became an inside joke amongst his friends about two years ago after trying to help one of his good friends overcome personal issues with a girl.

The phrase was Donthula’s attempt to help his friend. Fast forward two years later, he learned that “I truly resonated with the quote.”

“Being a student athlete, my life was in no way calm,” he said. “My days would be spent at school, afternoons at practice and nights racing to finish that last bit of chem work before calling it a day.

“Then rinse and repeat all over again for 180 days of the year.”

It was easy to get overwhelmed, but somehow “that simple phrase kept me grounded,” Donthula said.

“You see ‘life will be life’ was more than just an inside joke, it was a reminder to find joy in everything we do, to get a laugh out of every situation,” he said. “We learned to embrace the chaos, to find humor even in the most stressful moments.”

After receiving diplomas, the Class of 2024 participated in the tradition of turning their tassels from right to left.

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