Special Sections

When it Comes to Gynecologic Cancer Listen to Your Body

By Noah Goldman, MD    September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, an opportune time to shed light on cancers that uniquely affect women, including cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers. These cancers...

Colonoscopy Remains Gold Standard for Preventing Colon Cancer

By Anish A. Sheth, MD   Want to prevent colon cancer? Get a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy not only screens for existing...

Lung Nodule? Most are Harmless but Still Need Evaluation

By Leonid Emerel, MD If you have been diagnosed with lung nodules, you are not alone. Every year, more than...

Understanding Common Complications of Pregnancy

By Alisha Sangal, MD Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, but it can also present challenges that require attention and...

Supporting Workers’ Mental Health is Good for Everyone

By Susan Weinstein, LCSW, CEAP, SAP Did you know the average full-time worker in the United States spends about...

Lung Cancer Screening Saves Lives

By John A. Heim, MD While lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States, more...

Don’t Let Seasonal Allergies Spoil Your Summer

By Omar H. Ahmed, MD With summer here, many people are looking forward to enjoying the great outdoors. However, for those with seasonal allergies, the great...

Restore Your Pelvic Floor After Childbirth

By Melissa Ho, PT, DPT The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and tissues that form a hammock-like structure at the base of the...

Eating Disorders and the LGBTQ Community

By Margaret Moran, MSW, LCSW Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, are serious mental health conditions that affect individuals of all backgrounds. However,...

Address Elevated Blood Sugar Early to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

By Omodele Hogan, MD Produced by the pancreas, insulin is a hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in your blood and works to keep...

Bike safety
